David Harris
September Legacy News: Welcome Josh Ackerman; Why I Volunteer; Bob and Suzi Brant video; Deb’s tip; more
We’re so excited to welcome Joshua Ackerman to the Jewish Federation of Cincinnati as a development officer for Create Your Jewish Legacy (CYJL) and Planned Giving.
Josh brings experience in strategic planning, business analysis, and execution to this role, not to mention his passion for being connected to the Jewish community and his skills working with team engagement.
Welcome, Josh!
To learn more about Josh see the Israelite article here.
Why I Volunteer: Create Community
We asked people in the Jewish community to tell us why they volunteer, in one sentence. Here, see what Chrissie Blatt says.
“I volunteer with the Cincinnati Jewish Federation to create community.” —Chrissie Blatt
Chrissie Blatt is a long-term volunteer for the Jewish Federation of Cincinnati.
Meet Bob and Suzi Brant and watch their video
“What most motivates us in our charitable giving? Two different parts. One for the annual giving: being on a lot of the boards and being involved in the organizations I see where the money goes and how much it is needed and the good it does. So it helps others and it makes us feel good that we can help others. And then, with the endowment giving: we have meetings where we all sit down and say, gee if only thirty years ago people had put resources into raising endowment money, we’d be so much better off and the community would be so much better off today. So one of the reasons we committed to an endowment gift is so thirty years from now, there won’t be people sitting around a table, saying I wish those people thirty years ago had taken endowment giving seriously.”
—Bob Brant
Bob and Suzi’s parents and extended family showed them the importance of helping others. They have been generous both with their time and resources to help secure the future of our Jewish community.
Deb’s September Tip: What Coffee Blend Do You Prefer?
By Deb Steinbuch
I love my morning coffee, and I drink it every day. It’s my morning routine and I am a fan. I could pretty much enjoy a coffee-flavored anything. Right now my mug is sitting in front of my computer screen, despite the keyboard close by.
Likewise, I am enthusiastic about philanthropy, and I speak of it every day with our community supporters, sometimes even over a cup of coffee. Those of us who enjoy coffee have so many options available to us. In the same way, those of us who are philanthropic have many ways to support our communities. So why do many donors settle on the idea that their giving to our community should be the same, year after year? Each of us makes our own unique selection of coffee drink—why not find our own special way to give charitably?
I like dark roasted coffee of whatever kind, and have for years. It’s my “morning joe.” Recently however my son, a newly minted barista, introduced me to “vanilla lavender.” I didn’t even know that was a thing. It’s actually a vanilla lavender latte—and at first, sitting in the coffeeshop where he works, I said to myself: no thanks. I am committed to dark roast. But you know what? I tried it, and liked it. More >
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