Ari (Ballaban) Jun — In Conversation
Kids4Peace: An Interfaith Day Camp
“My son really enjoyed last year’s day camp. He grew in his own faith and learned more about other faith traditions. He now understands that other religions are really more similar to his than different. He enjoyed making new friends and wants to continue on this journey of learning and service for years to come.”
This is just one anecdote from a camper at Kids4Peace, an interfaith day camp that integrates diversity of faith and embraces a culture of peace. There are many more like it.
Founded in Jerusalem in 2002, Kids4Peace is a global movement of youth and families, dedicated to empowering youth to be interfaith leaders who work towards transforming divided societies into communities of lasting peace.
This summer will be the second Kids4Peace camp here in Cincinnati. At camp, kids learn about the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim religious traditions and cultures, while having fun and making new friends. The professional interfaith staff and counselors engage the campers in dialogue appropriate for their age, interactive activities, sports, art projects, and music, in order to develop leadership and conflict resolution skills and to build a community.
To increase understanding of diversity, challenge stereotypes, and identify shared values and social concerns, campers this summer will visit the Islamic Center of Greater Cincinnati, Saint Barnabas Episcopal Church, and Adath Israel Congregation. The camp will culminate with a shared service learning through participation in a community project.
The Kids4Peace Cincinnati Interfaith Day Camp will take place form July 31 to August 3 from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. each day. It’s open to rising 6th, 7th, and 8th graders.
As a champion of interfaith dialogue and understanding, the Jewish Community Relations Council, part of the Jewish Federation of Cincinnati, is a partner with Kids4Peace. You can learn more about the Kids4Peace program here; and you can register for the camp here. For any questions, please contact Natalie Shribman, Camp Director, at